“Money talks.” How often have you heard that expression?
It’s true though, and I know because mine keeps saying “Good Bye”.
Having been in England for three weeks, I got back late on a Monday, the eve of Eid al Adha or Festival of Sacrifice. It’s also Independence Day on the following Monday, so the Banks, Public Services and many of the shops (in predominantly Muslim areas at least) have closed down for a week. So, it seems to me, living here in West Beirut, that Lebanon just closed for my return. It shouldn’t have, but it took me rather by surprise, never mind, it’ll be a cheap week.
But wait a minute, there is a tradition that on the big Festivals, Ramadan, Christmas, Easter, and Eid al Adha gifts of money are given to trades people, concierges, and others who’ve given good service. Boxing Day comes four times a year!
At the same time, all those services that had continued in my absence, basic stuff like drinking water and electricity, fell due this week.
It’s got to the point that when the door bell rings I hide. I’m neither mean nor stingy, but being a Yorkshireman with Scottish ancestry I am a bit “careful” – I like to know where the spondoolicks have gone and that they got good value, but really I just want to leave the steadily lightening wallet by the door and nail up a notice asking anyone who comes just to help themselves! It isn’t that I mind paying my dues and giving, I just want to know how all these people knew I was back – and while the country is closed. Cash is just dashing madly off in all directions. Perhaps envious of my semi-vacational English sojourn, it’s just packing its bags and leaving as fast as possible. When will the blizzard stop?
The answer is today. Why? Because my wife came back today (although we left together, she extended her trip by a few days) and she normally deals with all these demands, so at least I won’t see the dripping, nay gushing tap.
The purpose of her extension by the way was partly to … wait for it … SHOP. “So how’s the plastic?” I asked her. She looks a bit blank for about half a second and then realizes that I mean the credit cards. She smiles. “Worn out from overuse” she says.
Hmmm, it seems that they’ll be getting a rest for a bit then, but no way will they be packing their bags and saying “Good Bye.”
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